
You Can’t Run from Life…..


Hello readers!!! I can’t believe its almost been 2 weeks since I’ve written! Not normal for me, but as the title states, you can’t run from life.

When I started this blog, I told you guys it would be my journey of running, a journey of my life. And with that, there has been a lot of good times, and some bad time, i.e. sprained foot, ect. I’ve shared those with you along the way.

Training for my second half marathon in August has not been the greatest. First, with the sprained foot, which kept me out of the game for a few weeks, and now life.

Long story short, I lost my job. 

There is so much drama that I could include in that sentence, but at the end of the day, the result remains the same.

My position was eliminated from my company.

30 days before my husband leaves for a year.


So I needed some time. To digest it, to accept it. I cried, ate like crap, beat myself up, but in the midst of it, found meaning about a lot of things. Realized I was letting a job define ME. I am so much more than that job…I just didn’t know it.

So…training just ceased for me…as I figured all of that out.


Today is Monday, its a brand new day!

I am excited about the future, and things that I have planned, which I will share in due time!

My half marathon is in 47 days…

My husband leaves in 20 days….

Things happen in life, but they shouldn’t break you. I thought I was going to let this break me until I DECIDED I wouldn’t let it.

Im going to enjoy the few days I have left with my hubby. Enjoy the summer with my girls. Enjoy LIFE! Everything happens for a reason.

So I am back…hope you guys will still stick around!!!

What have you guys used as motivation through rough times?

49 thoughts on “You Can’t Run from Life…..

  1. I use the strength of my family to get through tough times.. there is just something about that that makes me think that life will go on after the time has passed.


  2. I have been in your shoes. It SUCKS and I’m sorry. I felt like a bird being pushed from the nest – I totally wasn’t ready for it but with faith in myself I started to fly. I hope the same is true for you! Once you’re out of the nest all you can do is survive! Fly! Fly! Fly!


  3. I am so sorry to hear that, but I love how you took your time to be upset, than decided to pick yourself up and look to the future! Good luck in your next adventure!


  4. I love that quote about getting through hard days, and I love your attitude that you are DECIDING to be positive. I always tell myself that I’ll “fake it ’till I make it” no matter what IT is–confidence, success, happiness, and the funny thing is that if you fake it enough you believe it and then the universe makes it so!! Good luck on your journey, I’m betting one day you will look back on this supposed “setback” and see it as the moment when things became even more awesome!


  5. Great motivational post. I thought something couldn’t break me, but somehow it did. Every day though I try to pick myself back up! This post helps a lot.


  6. I am so sorry that you lost your job!! But I think that means something better is on the horizon. I lost my job of 16 years back in Jan 2012 and in a way it was the best thing that could have happened to me. Yes, it has been a struggle, but I took this time to try to make it as an entrepreneur. Even if I do go back to work I will feel good about this time that I took to find my passion.

    (((Hugs to you)))



  7. You know what, my husband and I both lost our jobs at the same time when I was 8 weeks pregnant with my first child. Fast forward 5 years later and it was the best thing that ever happened to us. If we still worked where we did, my husband would not have landed the job he has now making six figures and letting me be a stay at home mom. So I think all struggles like this can turn into blessings if we have our heart tuned in the right direction and we keep putting one foot in front of the other. Enjoy your time with your husband!


  8. Oh my goodness! Hugs but I am glad you have a great attitude through this. I’ve dealt with MAJOR setbacks and huge losses in my life, I sit and cry. Then, I pull myself up and get my game face on.


  9. I’m sorry to hear that. In tough times, I have turned to my family and friends. I don’t know if you are a spiritual person, but the words of the philosopher and poet Khalil Gibran – more specifically in his short work The Prophet – have been very important to me during times of tests. Stay strong, and stay positive!


  10. You can’t really run when you have problems. All you have to do is face them big or small. We don’t run out of problems and I think this is what we need to face everyday to learn new things and become a better person. If there’s a problem, there’s always a solution. Be positive and with the help of family and friends, your problem will be solved.


  11. I’m sorry to hear about the timing of the job loss. I am a firm believer in one door closing and a better one opening tough, and I wish you well.


  12. YES it is a brand new day! I lost my corporate job in 2005, lots of money for our family and decided screw it, not going back to a traditional job. We had rough times for about a year and got through it.


  13. Ok honey, we’ve all lost jobs, nothing new right? Their loss your GAIN. I can hear God opening all kinds of new doors and windows for YOU! Pity part over, right? Praying for Miracles & Blessings in ABUNDANCE for YOU! Amen


  14. One thing I love to do in tough times is talk to my teenage son and his friends. I know that sounds weird and why don’t I talk to my own friends. Because my son and his friends are less skeptical about life in general and most of them have a much better and positive attitude about their future. Not knowing all that we know or think about the way things were better “back then” They look to their future as uplifting and it helps me see that things in a better light..


  15. Today was the last day of my mom’s job. she too was “eliminated” due to cuts. She is excited to be a sahg (stay at home granny) 🙂 it does take time to process.


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