
Weekend Recap: Training…Or Lack of….

Happy Monday everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I know I did! The weather here was beautiful (cant say much about this week!). On Saturday, my daughter had her final cheer competition of the season at Kings Dominion! Her team finished in 2nd place! We enjoyed rides, had great laughs, I had a blast with the other cheer moms, it was great!


I ended up being non stop for 19 hours and to say I was exhausted is the understatement of the year!!
Sunday was pretty busy too! My youngest daughter has her first soccer game of the season! This is her 3rd season in soccer, and watching her on the field, I think she is really getting it!! She did fantastic and her team won 6-2!!



So for family stuff, life has been great!!!

Training on the other hand…not so much..….

So as I posted last week, I got my 4 miles in on Tuesday and finished my first Virtual 5K! You can read the post here. Well what I didn’t mention was the fact that the day before, I was in the ER all morning! I woke up to my body breaking out in hives and my whole right face was starting to swell, and I was having trouble breathing. No idea what caused it. This isn’t the first time something like this has happened to me, and I’ll save for another blog post my weird, no-known-causes, but serious, health stuff! Luckily for me, I didn’t have to stay in the hospital, and after lots of Benedryl and steroids, I was out and at home resting. Unfortunately, with the hives also came a horrible rash that was spreading from head to toe. Well, Tuesday called for a run, so on a run I went. In 80 degree weather. While physically and mentally I felt fine, the heat from running irritated my hives/rash something terrible. By the time I was done with my run, the hives had welted back up, and my body felt like it was on fire! So, it was then that I decided that I would wait out this rash and not really exert my body more that I needed to. Well, I didn’t realize that that would  be a whole dang week. This week of not working out and literally being uncomfortable in my skin was not good. I was unhappy so I ate like crap, drank soda, and was embarrassed with my skin, even to my own family. I was mad I wasn’t running. It was just a bad week mentally for me.


As of this morning, most of the rash is gone from most of my body. I have decided to repeat last weeks training, which has me doing a long run of 7 miles on Sunday. Missing a week in training is going to have me doing long runs of 7, 8, 9, 10 miles, and then taper week for the half marathon. So these next 4 weeks are critical for success.

Mentally, I have to be prepared for the following this week:

  • I haven’t trained in a week. With not eating great, and on meds for a week, my first run on Tuesday MAY suck,….I need to be okay with it.
  • I need to let go of last week and not training. It’s done and over with.
  • Refocus on the goal of completing the half marathon.
  • Realize I only have a month left, and its crunch time.
  • Pay attention to diet.

I think we all sometimes forget that last one…we are supposed to have fun running these races! Again, what should matter is not the time, is that we completed something we started!

How was your weekend? Have an illness or just life in general sidetrack your training? How did you cope and move on?


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