
21 Day Fix Updates and Thoughts

So, here I am in the middle of week 2 of my 21 Day Fix. I love this plan! I love this concept! I love love Autumn Calabrese! She is so motivating and inspiring! Her workouts will kick your ass and have you waking funny for more than a day! I am loving my Strawberry Shakeology and loving that it is becoming a fixture into my life.

My results: so-so right now. BUT, not cause of the plan… Cause of me!

Let me be honest with you:
1. I wasn’t prepared as well as I should have been! I got the kit on Monday night and started Tuesday without reading the whole book, ext.
2. Because I wasn’t prepared, I’ve had too many cheat days.
3. I need to learn how to up my containers on days of my long runs. Now that I am in the final stages of my half marathon training, when I get out in that heat and run those distances, I’m STARVING! Again, planning better for that will be crucial.

I am down almost 4 lbs and 3 inches. Of course, any lost is great. But, it could’ve been better. I’m prepping you guys that I will not be one of those on the infomercial, or hell, even on Facebook/Twitter, and lost 10+ pounds. But, it’s not the program, it was me!

*another thing to note is the day I started, I broke out in my second round of hives in two weeks. I was put on prednisone for 9 days, which is known for increased appetite (like Ill eat your arm off) and bloating. Excuse? No, just real life.*

So all of this is to say, I’m being real with you, and honest. I plan to finish off this week, and start a second round right after.. More committed as ever. I’ll have a meal plan calendar, workout calendar and posts to keep you updated and myself accountable!

Here is the great thing about this challenge, well, not just this challenge, but mine and yours fitness journey- we are human… This isn’t just a quick fix, not just a 21 day fix, but a LIFELONG challenge! We will have setbacks, do overs, successes, failures, smiles, tears, and so much more. But luckily for us, tomorrow is a new day. A new day to make better choices, a new day to start fresh! Are you with me?!

Have you had a setback in your fitness journey? How do you cope with results that were not as good as you hoped?

If you are interested in the 21 Day Fix, Shakeology, or any other programs, let me know!! 🙂

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